How to Create Money Miracles by Prosperity Coach Joel Salomon

How to Create Money Miracles by Prosperity Coach Joel Salomon

Money Mindset, Manifestations, and Investing/Finance

How to Create Money Miracles

Instagram: @JoelProsperitySalomon

A freebie to the audience:

The 5 Mistakes New Millionaires Make

We have all been told that we can’t be happy unless we are rich. We believe we will be happy and feel free and peaceful once we have enough money. I am here to tell you that is one big lie. One of many lies that you’ve been told about money! The primary problem in the world right now is that most people are illiterate when it comes to money and financial matters and have many limiting beliefs. Most of us were not educated about money in schools or, if we were, it was not the proper way or in a way that will help us become financially free—meaning that we don’t have to work since our money is working for us.

Brief Bio:

Joel Salomon is a prosperity coach who helps others overcome obstacles standing in the way of their financial freedom. In 2021, Joel published the Personal Money Management bestseller, Infinite Love and Money with Mollie Singh. In 2019, Joel published The 9 Money Rules Millionaires Use: Only The Unconventional Ones, a bestseller in self-help and personal finance. In 2018, he published Mindful Money Management: Memoirs of a Hedge Fund Manager, which also was a bestseller. Joel is an award-winning speaker and frequent podcast guest. He has led over 20 workshops teaching the concepts of how to overcome limiting beliefs. He has spoken at numerous Rotary and Lions’ Clubs in the New York Metropolitan area and at Mercy College’s MBA program, as well as at Mike Dooley’s Infinite Possibilities Training Conference in New Orleans in March 2018 and again in 2021. He has also taught finance to teenagers at the annual Girls Scouts Conference in Connecticut and the Boys and Girls Club in Stamford, Connecticut. He appeared on TV with CEO Money and Between the Covers. He has also been a guest on more than 50 podcasts.

Top tips, steps, learning points, or takeaways for the audience:

● We’ve all been taught lies about money. These lies are rampant throughout society. We are taught ways to get rich quick or get rich slowly.

● My unique solution is that by getting better educated, changing your mindset and beliefs, and being grateful for what you have right now –while still desiring more—you can acquire money, and abundance, and live a happier, more gratitude-filled life.

● I am a former hedge fund manager who learned the hard way that I didn’t have the money mindset or belief system and wasn’t grateful for acquiring the money I did. Though I didn’t win the lottery it was similar to that.

● My three main points are beliefs, financial illiteracy needs to be changed to literacy, and gratitude. ● I will address what makes this idea new or unique: The secret to getting more of anything you want is to love and appreciate what you already have.

5 questions as important aspects of the story:

1. Why did you shut down your hedge fund?

2. Why do limiting beliefs stop you from achieving the life of your dreams?

3. What happy habits do you use?

4. Why do affirmations work?

5. What affirmations can I use to help me create real money?

Watch him on YouTube:

We have all been told that we can’t be happy

unless we are rich. We believe we will be happy

and feel free and peaceful once we have

enough money. I am here to tell you that is

one big lie. One of many lies that you’ve been

told about money!

Or Listen to him on Apple Podcast:





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Podcasts (interviews):

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